Air Purification Systems Using UV Light

Air Purification Systems Using UV Light

Air Purification Systems Using UV Light

Ultra violet (UV) Rays are radiations of shorter wavelengths less than that of the visible light and it is effectively used in air purification systems. These rays disinfects and kills the dust mites, plagues, bacteria and many other infection causing organisms present in air. UV air purification systems works by passing the UV light through the contaminated air and it cleanses the bacteria present in it. After the organisms have been killed, the dead cells are filtered and thus the UV purification system gives the clean air to breathe-in. Ultra violet light is classified into three types depending on their wavelengths and they are Long wave UV rays, Medium Wave Rays And Short wave rays.

UV air Purification and ventilation systems from Miramar air conditioning make use of the short wave length ultra violet rays and this group of UV rays is known as UV-C The waves in the spectrum of UV-C  are at a length of 254 nanometers and it attacks the DNA of the bugs present in air when UV light is passed through it. These UV-C rays are safe on humans and it is known to cause mild side effects under continues exposure. . Air Purification systems using UV light emit nearly 40,000 micro-watts of power. When air is exposed to UV light of about 10,000 times greater than sunlight, microbes is killed for certain period of time. But these bacteria can start multiplying on some unprotected places and so proper sterilization methods must be followed along with air purification systems in order to get germ-free air.

Applications Of UV Light Air Purification Systems

Ultra light air purification systems are mainly used in Hospital at emergency wards and operating rooms to provide germ-free air These UV air filtration systems are used in office settings in order to prevent the spread of infections. It has been proven many researches that UV light purification systems can effectively kill viruses and bacteria present in air specially with air duct cleaning Miramar service.  Due to this, there is considerable reduction in the respiratory symptoms among the workers.

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