What Happens to Your HVAC System if You Don’t Change the Filters?

Senior man opening air conditioning filter in ceiling

Senior man opening air conditioning filter in ceiling

According to the professionals in the HVAC field, filters must be replaced or cleaned at least once in every three months. Efficient filters have a huge impact on the longevity and efficiency of HVAC systems. It has been proved through research that cleaning air filters can significantly enhance your indoor air quality and make your system more efficient. There are two main types of filters; disposable and washable filters. These filters work in the same way with the exception of their replacement where the disposable ones are discarded after use while the washable ones are cleaned and refitted.

The environment in which your HVAC unit operates determines the frequency of filter cleaning. If the place is dusty, dirty or full of debris, chances are you may have to change your filters more often than a person who is in a different environment that is less dirty and dusty. Below are some of the things your HVAC system suffers if the filters are not changed as recommended.

Reduced Airflow

With use, air filters become clogged with dust, dirt and other debris. This leaves very little room for air to flow through your system into your home. The longer you take in changing the filters the worse the problem becomes. Because of the clogged filters, your system will be forced to work harder in order to efficiently circulate air throughout your home. This will impact on your bills and they will skyrocket.

Frozen Coil

When your HVAC system works harder because of dirty filters, chances are the cooling coil will end up freezing inside the unit because it is working overtime to ensure the air inside your home is cooled. This not only makes your system inefficient but also prone to breakdowns and costly repairs. To avoid this, all you need to do is change your filters.

Loss of Cooling or Heating Flow

If you don’t switch your air filters when necessary, your HVAC system may fail completely. Because of delays in changing the filters, your system will burn out because of how excessive it will work in order to normalize your indoor temperatures. In the course of these endless cycles, the system may wear out or breakdown which ultimately will lead to replacement. HVAC filters are not that expensive and you can afford to replace them at least 4 or 5 times in a year.

With the right maintenance program, your HVAC system should be able to serve you as long as 12 to 15 years before replacement. Ensure your family gets the best indoor air quality by changing your filters regularly.

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